OPI Pure Lacquer Nail Apps - Parisian

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Today I want to show you Parisian, one of the newly released Pure Lacquer Nail Apps from OPI. The Nail Apps are 100% pure nail lacquer. I love how these look and feel. They stretch slightly to contour to the individual nail shape without warping or puckering. Also, since they are 100% pure nail lacquer, they are easily removed with nail polish remover or acetone. Even though removal is so easy, I will be keeping these on for a while. I will try to update every few days on how they are holding up...

The Nail Apps come in an airtight sealed package. Air will dry these strips out, so once the foil package is opened, they must be used right away. Each package includes 16 strips (two of each size) to match different nail sizes. My nails are short enough that I was able to cut each strip in half and use it for two nails. For me 8 strips was plenty to do a full manicure. I wish that each set of 8 strips was packaged individually as it is by Sally Hansen so I could make two manicures, but these are one manicure only. Did anyone say matching mani and pedi? :)

Application was very easy. Basically just apply to the nail, smooth it out, and then using a nail file, file off the excess. Doesn't get easier than that!

They don't need to be sealed with a topcoat, but I did anyways as I wanted to seal the edge (tips). When the nails grow out a bit, I will apply another top coat to seal the edge closer to the cuticle as well.

Parisian is a bright silver base with a pink and gray lace pattern. They are very delicate looking and the pattern is very subtle from a distance, which I love. Makes it perfect for me to wear to work since I'm not a fan of loud patterns in that setting.

Lots and lots of photos of how these look...

I even dragged my bf outside to take a photo in the sunshine. So shiny!

There are 14 different patterns currently available, 7 creams and 7 shimmer. Parisian, which I have shown here today is one of the creams. It appears to have a shimmer sister (2nd to last) loaded with glitter. The only disappointing thing about Parisian is that the pattern is not actually centered as it appears in the promo shots. On the other hand though, it means I can easily cut them in half and apply them upside down without worrying about alignment and making sure all nails look exactly the same.

I'd love to know what you think of these. Have you tried pure polish strips before?

UPDATE: See how these held up with a week's worth of wear here...

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** These were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **