Tutorial: Removing Glitter Nail Polish...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Glitter nail polish is fun, but taking it off is a pain in the butt! It usually involves quite a struggle and makes me hesitate wearing glitter in the first place. I saw this incredibly easy technique demonstrated on youtube and decided to give it a try. I was shocked at how well this worked. The glitter came off with no struggle at all!

Here is a tutorial on what I did... don't forget you can click on any of the images to zoom in...


1. 100% Pure Acetone (Note: other nail polish removers may work just as well, but I have not tried any for this)
2. Cotton - I used lint free cotton squares I got on Ebay, but cosmetic cotton rounds will work perfectly for this (cut them in half or quarters for a better fit)
3. Foil - cut up into small strips (approx 1.5 by 2 inch - don't have to be exact here...)
Starting Out:

I started out with Cosmetic Arts Fairy Dust glitter polish that I have been wearing all weekend and dreading taking off...
Step 1:

Wet the cotton with acetone and apply to the nail (I folded the cotton squares for a better fit)
Step 2:

Wrap a strip of foil around the fingertip to hold the acetone soaked cotton in place

Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the rest of the fingers on one hand - don't try to do both hands at the same time as you still need the other hand functional for steps 3 and 4 :D

WAIT 3-5 Minutes before going on to Step 3...

Step 3:

Apply gentle pressure to the nail and begin to twist the cotton/foil side to side (don't need too much, a few twists should be enough)
Step 4:

As you twist, move the the cotton/foil off your finger
All Done!

Ta Da! Glitter is gone without the need for endless rubbing! :D

Repeat Steps 1-4 with the other hand and you'll really be all done!

Lastly, wash your hands to clean the acetone off and apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to avoid acetone dried/fried cuticles...

I'd love to know what you think! Did you like the tutorial? Interested in seeing more? Have you tried this method before? :D

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)