Incoco Fright Night...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Today I would like to show you another beautiful set of nail polish appliques from Incoco. These nail wraps named Fright Night are namesake for the Incoco Fright Night Halloween collection this year. These are perfect for some quick nail art to get you in the holiday mood...

The set come with 16 double ended polish strips to fit different nail sizes. They come in an airtight package and should be used shortly after opening or they will start to dry out. If you have shorter nails, they can be cut in half allowing you to save some for a second manicure. Since they do dry out, seal them either with a vacuum food packager or in the original package using the included piece of silver tape...

These nail polish strips are easy to work with and apply. They stretch well to fit curvy nails. For application directions please take a look at either my previous Incoco reviews or the Incoco website. These nail appliques are packed full of sparkly glitter for a little bit of fun Halloween bling...

I decided to have a little bit of fun with these strips because I wasn't quite ready to part with the adorable Spooktacular ghosts from yesterday. From my leftover strips I cut out a few little ghosts and added them to today's manicure. They are not the easiest to cut out since they are tiny, but it was worth it...

And these little ghosts keep me company at night! I had a blast wiggling my fingers in the dark and making these cuties "fly"...

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Polishes were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **