Sunday Stamping: Gold

Sunday, December 9, 2012
For Sunday Stamping this week I want to show you a manicure I made a little while ago, but have not had the time to show until now. With this week's theme being to stamp with gold or over gold, I knew it would be a perfect fit. Lately I have not been able to find enough time in the day to swatch, make manicures and blog about it all. Matter of fact my nails have been bare for almost the entire past week as I try (and fail) to catch up on blogging. Just the other day I showed up to work with a quick swatch of polish on just two nails and the rest bare. Pretty soon my blogging will be limited to a caveman style grunt and the words "Look! Anutka make mani..."

For this manicure I started out with a base of Zoya Logan from the holiday Ornate collection. I was curious to see how the gold metallic Ziv, from the same collection would stamp and I wasn't disappointed with the result. The look is more subtle as the gold flecks in Logan seem to blend with those of Ziv. I used the Cheeky Jumbo plate B for the stamping image...

All that being said, I would probably not stamp with Ziv again. It contains lots of beautiful flecks which were just scraped off the plate leaving behind the base with just the metallic particles. Sad to waste all of that. If you look closely, the stamping pattern itself is very grainy which is not always desirable. It was definitely a fun experiment and what are manicures all about if not experimenting and playing with colors. As a random side note, it just reminded that way back when I started the blog I wanted to name it "Playing with Colors", but that was sadly already taken although not being used. Oh well, I'm kind of attached to Wacky Laki now ;)

I always welcome your comments and enjoy reading them so don't hesitate :)

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Polishes were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
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