Plucked Chicken!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
So the title might be a somewhat misleading... I did not actually pluck or otherwise harm any chickens! Just thought it would make for a funny title. My brother and his family got five baby chicks this past spring. They have been growing and shedding some pretty feathers. I happened to be at their house a few weeks ago and picked up a few feathers outside the pen that I thought where pretty. This is a manicure I've wanted to make for quite a while, although honestly I always assumed it would be with store bought feathers. This just made it more fun...

Here are the two feathers I picked up. The pattern on these is so pretty...

For the manicure, I used a base of OPI Don't Talk Bach to Me and added the feathers. I'm not entirely sure I like this color combo, but I wanted the feathers to stand out a bit. Maybe next time I will try it over a beige base...

Here are the chicks shortly after they first got them. So little and already starting to get their pretty colors...

Here is what they looked like a few weeks ago when I got the feathers. One of those chicks turned out to be a rooster. I'm kind of hoping he looses some pretty tail feathers at some point. The little gray/orange hen at the front could also contribute...

Oh and did I mention that my mom has two hens as well that are black and white speckled... I'm seeing some feather manis in my future. This one was fun :)

P.S. As I was was sorting the photos for this post, I was also trying to read my blog subscriptions and I came across a manicure by Neues vom Kellerkind. She created a manicure using feathers from her mother's hens! Her mom's hens look just like my mom's hens... black and white speckled. What an awesome coincidence. Be sure to check out her manicure. I think she did an amazing job and it is exactly what I'd like to try next time... over beige :)

I'd love to know what you think of this! Let me know by commenting below :)

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

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