Surviving the Weekend...

Monday, October 10, 2011
This weekend was quite a hectic one for me and those involved as my dad was celebrating a big milestone birthday. My brother and I decided to throw him a party at my house which meant about 40 people including kids. The cleaning, cooking, serving, then more cleaning (some of which is still left to be done) did quite a number on my hands and nails. Six of the ten nails did not survive the grueling test and my cuticles need some major care... However the party was a success and we are so so happy to have done that for him.

My boyfriend was celebrating his own big accomplishment as well, as last Thursday he passed the citizenship exam and was officially sworn in to be a US Citizen. I'm so proud of him :)

So with all that said, I wanted to show the result of the small poll that ran on my blog to determine the next tutorial people would like to see. Majority of people voted to see the gradient nails from day 10, but there were also four requests for the stripes manicure and one for the leopard nails. There was also a request for the flower manicure made outside of the poll. I will hopefully be posting the gradient nails tutorial next week, after my nails recover and grow out a little bit. The other tutorials will follow as well :)

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)