piCture pOlish Blog Fest 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013
I'm so honored to once again get the opportunity to participate in the annual piCture pOlish Blog Fest. This year, piCture pOlish is celebrating the Year of the Blogger by challenging the participants to create our ‘most amazing nail art manicure ever’ using 3 piCture pOlish which were sent to us. In addition we were asked to create a step by step tutorial for the look. No pressure, right?

Actually, if that wasn't pressure enough, there is the promise of an amazing Blog Fest Award. Three lucky bloggers who are participating in this year's Blog Fest will get the chance to collaborate with the gals at piCture pOlish and create their own shade. One winner will be chosen by all the lovely fans, one by the participating bloggers and one by the piCture pOlish gals themselves. Since I have already had the privilege of creating Sea Jewel, I'm not eligible for the Award, but I'm so excited to see all the manicures and vote for my favorite. I hope you'll be doing the same.

With the Award off the table for me, the pressure was lessened and I got to dreaming up my manicure using the 3 shades sent to me... Citrus, Flirt and Splash...

For this manicure, I used black acrylic paint and the 3 piCture pOlish shades:
Flirt, a bright fuchsia pink with the tagline of 'WARNING get loads of attention!'
Citrus, a bright orange cream with the tagline 'looks as good as it tastes!'
Splash, a clear base packed with blue glitter. The tag line on this one says, 'if Daryl can you can too!'

My boyfriend nicknamed the dolphins Michael Jordan because he said I made them jump unrealistically high. I was just excited he recognized them as dolphins... ;)

And now for the really fun part, the tutorial...

  • 3 piCture pOlish shades, Flirt, Citrus, Splash...
  • Black acrylic paint or nail polish
  • Makeup wedge or sponge for gradient
  • Small detail paint brush

  1. Start out by painting your nails with an orange base
  2. Create a gradient by applying the fuchsia and orange polishes directly to the makeup wedge as shown in step 2a. Tap the sponge on the nail and gently move back and forth to blend the colors as shown in step 2b. Reload the sponge with polish and repeat as necessary until you get the desired effect.
    Tip: it is better to do multiple coats to build opacity than overload with polish from the beginning. Lighter coats also helps avoid the polish getting too sticky and ripping pieces of the sponge and creating a mess...
  3. Draw black wavy tips along each nail using black acrylic paint (or nail polish)
  4. Go over the black tips with the blue glitter
  5. Draw palm trees using black acrylic paint as desired
  6. Add birds and dolphins or other details using the black paint
  7. Finish the manicure with a top coat and enjoy!

You can purchase piCture pOlish directly from the pOlish On-line Store or any of the Network sellers...

Plus, there are lots of ways to connect with piCture pOlish. Find them on...
* Facebook * Twitter * Pinterest * Instagram * YouTube * Google+ *

You can see all the Blog Fest manis on Pinterest and make sure to vote for your favorites!

What do you think, did I meet the challenge of creating my ‘most amazing nail art manicure ever’? :D

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

Be sure to check out all the other beautiful Blog Fest 2013 manis...

** Polishes were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **