Day 28 - Inspired by a Flag

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
For the flag challenge I had to pay tribute to my birthplace of Belorussia which is a big part of my childhood memories. Even though I moved to the US as a kid and have now lived here twice as long as I ever lived there, it is still near and dear to my heart.

For the manicure I used two coats of Sinful Colors Sugar Sugar for the red (both the base and the stamping). The green is three coats of Wet 'n Wild SaGreena the Teenage Witch. The white is French White Creme also from Wet 'n Wild. Sadly the red seeped through the white and discolored it. I even tried covering it with white acrylic paint, but the red still seeped through. This happened before in my 4th of July manicure, but I completely forgot until seeing it turn pink right in front of my eyes again.

For the border pattern I used Bundle Monster plate BM-213 which I thought was an excellent match for the flag pattern. Slightly less detailed, but who am I to complain :)

Here is the flag of Belorussia that was my inspiration today...
Image from

Let me know what you think! :D

Thanks for looking,
Anutka :)