Practicing my dots...

Friday, August 12, 2011
This manicure was inspired by a set of stickers I bought with my last ebay haul. The stickers didn't work out at all (read below for details), but they gave me a fun idea and here is what I ended up with...

Outside, overcast...

For this manicure, I started out with two coats of Zoya Grace and added a white tip with Wet n Wild French White Cream. The petal dots were made using Wet n Wild Black Cream and the center dot using Sally Hansen Celeb City...

And here are the stickers that started it all... When looking at the auction item before purchasing, I thought the stickers were just the black flowers and the white was a placing suggestion. Turns out it isn't, the white is part of the sticker as well, which is where my problems began... 1st, the largest sticker isn't wide enough for my thumb... 2nd, the stickers that were wide enough for my other nails were also too deep (about 1.5x my amount of free edge) and I don't want my nails any longer than they are now... 3rd, with the size selection available I would need 2 sets to do a full mani... so needless to say, these really didn't work for me...

They did give me an idea though as I looked at them closely. The flowers were made up of black dots with a silver dot center. Something I could definitely do with a dotting tool. Plus, I could place flowers wherever I wanted, not just on the tip, so I did... and I liked the result more than the stickers :)

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)