Top 10 Award

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Uni Ruxi a Paris tagged me with the Top 10 Award. Thank you so much! If you have not seen her blog yet, make sure you check it out! One of my favorites for sure :) I'm so honored to be a top ten!!!

The rules:
- Thank the person who tagged you and link to their blog
- List your top 10 cosmetics
- Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link to their blogs, and let them know

As much as I love nail polish, cosmetics is really not my thing. I wear very little of it, a bit of cover up and some eyeshadow... so don't expect too much from my top 10 :)

My top 10 cosmetics...
1. Blistex Lip Medex - will heal the worst of chapped lips
2. Yes to Carrots Day and Night Cream - makes skin incredibly smooth
3. pHisoderm facial wash - great for sensitive skin
4. AmLactin lotion
5. Clinique Superbalanced Makeup Foundation
6-10... sorry girls my list ends here, can't think of anything else I use regularly...

My Top Ten bloggers (that I have been following for a long time...)
1. The Polished Perfectionist
2. The Swatchaholic
3. Chloe's Nails
4. Beauty by Kayla Shevonne
5. Das Experiment
6. Colores de Carol
7. Let Them Have Polish
8. Ivana Thinks Pink
9. Emerald Sparkled
10. All Lacquered Up

Thanks for reading!
Anutka :)